Polysorbate 60, CAS-No.: 9005-67-8
We are supplier of the product Polysorbate 60 to several customers in the chemical and technical industry.

More Information to this product >>

→ Polysorbate 60 safety data sheet PDF (german version)

→ Polysorbat 60 deutsche Version

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Polysorbate 60
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Polysorbate 60

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→ Specification data Polysorbate 60 PDF version

P.O. Box 20 06 04
42206 Wuppertal / Germany
Rosenthalstrasse 22
42369 Wuppertal / Germany
Amtsgericht Wuppertal , HRB 9020
Sitz Wuppertal
UID Nr. DE 812146925
C.E.O.: Mrs. Jana Feder, Mr. Michael Gärtner
Fon: +49 202 317559-10
E-Mail: info@syskem.de